“Anxiety, the illness of our time, comes primarily from our inability to dwell in the present moment.”

- Thich Naht Hanh

A Silent Meditation Retreat is a gentle, yet profound meditative deep dive, that can dramatically shift the way you experience life, and your relationship with yourself.

It is an opportunity to:

  • explore yourself, earnestly;

  • experience what it is to be fully present; fully alive;

  • learn how to calm the mind, and reduce the impact of incessant worry/obsessive thoughts/anxiety

  • reconnect with your Heart;

  • meditate, (for real!);

  • reveal that which is innately in all of us that is joyful, loving and at peace, and;

  • remember how to deeply rest.

Each day of a silent retreat includes a combination of guided & semi-guided meditation sessions, gentle yoga classes (hatha, yin/restorative and nidra - the yoga of sleep), breathwork, delicious vegan meals, and time for rest and reflection. You will also be given specific tools to calm the mind, deal with difficult emotions, and learn the fundamental principles of “spirituality”. You can read more about the daily schedule here.

We follow a tried and tested non-dogmatic approach based on Hridaya Yoga, drawing inspiration from Yoga, Zen Buddhism, Sufism and Non-Duality (Advaita Vedanta). Essentially, we will explore the core message that is present in all authentic spiritual traditions throughout history, with support from quantum physics and psychology.

The primary method we employ during the retreat is simply Self-Inquiry. Our meditations are guided in such a way as to foster a deeper, more intimate connection with our own inner world, in doing so learning how to fall in love with ourself; with our own life.

We follow strict guidelines in order to create a silent container together, supporting each other throughout the retreat.

Ultimately, a silent meditation retreat is a unique opportunity for you to experience potentially profound spiritual transformation through the underestimated power of silence. The idea is to inspire us to learn to live meditation, to bring an integration into our daily lives.

It may be for you if:

  • your nervous system is in need of deep and profound rest

  • you're interested in meditation, but haven't yet managed to really 'get it'

  • you're in need of a total reset

  • you're on a healing journey and are after an authentic experience beyond bells/whistles/trends/fads

  • you're ready for a deeply transformative process that goes way beyond a quick fix

  • you'd like some practical tools to help quieten down your mind, relieving you of relentless mental chatter, worry and anxiety

  • you feel like your heart is closed and may need some tender, loving attention to coax it back open

  • you're a curious person interested in a fresh approach to living your life

I am delighted to be able to facilitate this precious journey with you all.

-Rose Cousens. Yoga & Meditation Guide (600hr(+) ERYT). (You can read more about me here)

You talk to yourself too much. You’re not unique in that every one of us does. We maintain our world with our inner dialogue. A man or woman of knowledge is aware that the world will change completely as soon as they stop talking to themselves.” - Carlos Castenada