• "I have attended a number of Silent Retreats facilitated by Rose. These retreats have honestly changed my life for the better, and also the lives of those around me."

    Jane Brewer (Regular Silent Retreat Participant)

  • "Embarking on an 8 day silent/meditation retreat with Rose was an experience unlike any other. Guided by the wonderful and nurturing Rose, I found myself on a transformative journey offering profound insights and many moments of depth. The combination of breathwork, meditation techniques and the Yogic System was both challenging and inspirational. These practices taught with depth and understanding allowed me to connect with myself on a deeper level. Each day unfolded new layers of self awareness and self love which has created a sense of clarity for me that has stayed with me long after the retreat. These retreats offer a gateway to discovering your inner landscape in a safe and loving environment. Thank you Rose for this unforgettable journey."

    Melissa Applegate (Retreat Participant, March 2024)

  • "Rose beautifully maintains the balance between graceful humility and lustrous wisdom holder. She embodies the practices and thus transmutes the intention and energy with a wide open heart and joyous smile. The breadth of her guidance enabled access for the novice through to the more experienced retreat goers and in this warm embrace all felt welcome. My respect for Rose is deep and my faith in her being 'the real deal' is unshakable. In a world increasingly afflicted by fear, isolation and loneliness, Rose holds a tender space through which which we can all find our way back home."

    Kyle Page (Retreat Participant, Nov 2022).

  • "Thank you dear Rose - you held such beautiful space for me this past week - feeling in to your devotion - your authenticity - your passion and knowledge was a blessing to receive - you shared stories and tales from ancient texts - from poetry - from the worlds most inspiring philosophers - thank you for your guidance and your attention to detail - but especially I thank you for your LOVE of all things peaceful ♥️"

    Jodie Jackman (Retreat Participant, March 2024)

  • "I was very nervous coming into this as I had never been to anything like this before. Very quickly Rose had me feeling like I was in a calm safe zone of stillness & love. Rose your soft soul, beautiful nature, guidance & dedication made this experience so wonderful & it was impossible not to just immerse myself into it ❤️ I came on this journey needing to find peace, clarity & calm as I had recently lost my father. I needed to smile again from the inside. I feel peace & relief & have come away with my Dad sitting in the forefront of my heart each & every day. I see him now and smile rather than feel sadness & tightness in my chest. I feel like I can breathe again & will be forever grateful ❤️"

    Kelli Thompson (Retreat Participant, Aug 2022)

  • "Immersed in the timeless beauty of the ancient Wet Tropic Rainforest, this three-day silent retreat was truly a world-class experience. Surrounded by the melodious symphony of birdsong, the ambiance was nothing short of enchanting. The culinary delights, prepared with meticulous care and infused with love, were a true feast for the senses. Under the gentle guidance of Rose, whose wisdom and grace nurtured us throughout, the retreat became a journey of profound nourishment and self-discovery. Thank you Rose."

    Bek Honeyman (Retreat Participant, Aprl 2024).

  • "Rose is an aligned, strong yet gentle yoga teacher, using breath and movement creating a yoga session of love, balance and nourishment. Her practice then extends into Silent Meditation and Yoga Retreat's, which are a beautiful space of renewal and connection. Rose creates a beautiful space where she brings with her a wealth of knowledge, support and experience, to create and share a space for anyone to enter, to take time out from their journey, to simplify and re-connect with their heart space ♥️"

    Kim Rayner (Retreat Participant, April 2024 & Regular Yoga Student)

  • "This was the first Silent Meditation Retreat that I had experienced and I am so glad the 7 day option worked for my family. By Day 3 the combination of breathing exercises, combined with yoga made the meditations deeper as the days went by. Rose is the most gentle, attentive and composed host who; with a wealth of education and experience, gives her a quiet, professional quality in the delivery of the Retreat. Like a flower bud blooming, my heart space felt an energy flowing through it like a stream of water…I felt like I was coming home to myself for the first time. 💗"

    Sarah Greaves (Retreat Participant, March 2024)

  • "This has been a transformational experience. Rose teaches with wisdom, humility, humour, compassion and a quiet confidence in our capacity to navigate new and sometimes challenging spaces - nurturing and reassuring. She introduced us to diverse spiritual traditions and scholars and the program structure and content allowed engagement with a range of techniques and practices. The combination of meditation, breathwork, yoga and short talks was perfect. She made it all so accessible. It has brought a whole new perspective on how I interact in the world. I am deeply grateful for the experience and look forward to joining another of Rose's silent retreats in future."

    Nadine Liddy (Retreat Participant, Aug 2022)

  • "I am in awe of Rose’s innate wisdom and dedication. She cultivates an experience that touches each participant’s heart in so many unique ways. The retreat is a perfect blend of meditation, yoga, spiritual and scientific-based teachings, beautiful food and time for oneself in nature. "

    Jessie Henry (Retreat Participant, Nov 2022)

  • "I can say that this experience really exceeded my expectations. It wasn't my first experience with a silent meditation retreat. I kind of knew what to expect in regards to how the silence might influence me based on my experience in the past with vipassana, which had a more dogmatic and masculine approach. Rose's approach to the stillness practice was much more feminine and although strong at times, there was a warm and nurturing element to my experience which I never really had during vipassana. I think alongside the silence, the various methods and techniques for meditation, the breathwork, yoga and all weaved together with Rose's wisdom and her influences of various sages and saints, it really made for a potent experience. If I have to say one thing is that after vipassana, I was very much ready to put the practice aside for a while even though my experience was deep, I wasn't inspired by it. Having left this retreat with Rose, she has really ignited a passion and love in my heart that I feel has been dampened for a while. I feel so inspired to journey deeper into my own meditation practice, and I highly value the authenticity and heart that Rose brings into her offerings. I'm a yoga teacher myself and it brings me a lot of joy and love to see another teacher who is passionate in honouring the sacredness of the practices they offer. There was no dilution in what Rose shared, only rich potency and tender heart. Thank you so much for this incredible experience Rose. I appreciate you very much."

    Sarah McDonald (Retreat Participant, Aug 2022)

  • "I am still a little shocked at how much I actually enjoyed the 4n/3d silent retreat. I don’t think I’ve ever stayed quiet for much longer than I sleep… Rose is an excellent yoga teacher & meditation facilitator. I have had experience with both of these previously in beginner courses & have never had such a positive & enjoyable experience. I booked on a whim & didn’t have too many expectations, but came away feeling enlightened & refreshed. I would return in a heartbeat.."

    Kristin Mountford (Retreat Participant, Aug 2022)

  • "Thank you Rose. Your retreat soothed my soul, stretched by body and created a space for reflection I would not have had during every day life. You led this retreat with skill, wisdom, heart and compassion. I left with a full heart, sparkling with peace, clarity and gratitude."

    Renee McCallister (Retreat Participant, Aug 2022)

  • "Rose, you gave me the most amazing experience of my life. Something that I will cherish forever. It has encouraged me to continue these practices in life and take time to myself. The whole experience of the retreat was moving and your knowledge and calming nature is such an inspiration."

    Melissa Middleton (Retreat Participant, March 2022)

  • "Thank Rose 🌹for the most surreal amazing moving retreat, i was walking, 🚶‍♂️well hobbling up the hill on the first day going to meditation and my internal Zen light turned on, I have been doing 1 retreat a year and this retreat with Rose has really resonated with me, so all I can say is Thank you Rose, it has been 5 days since the retreat and I have been back to work and I am still floating and walk like I have been hit on the head with a piece of wood, Peace and light Rose, thank you from the top to the bottom of my heart 🙏💜 and from the middle of my chest perhaps a little to the right. "

    Juz Wesley (Retreat Participant, Dec 2021)

  • "What a treat. Sharing silence with 12 other beautiful women in the heart of paradise was such a special weekend. Old knowledge reinforced, similar theories in different words heard, and new skills shared, it was a wonderful time to strip back a few layers and contemplate whilst deepening the connection to the heart space. Rose is an inspiring woman with great knowledge and kindness who carries herself with grace throughout the weekend. I felt no judgement throughout the weekend, only love and acceptance 🙏🏽🧘🏽‍♀️"

    Jos Middleton (Retreat Participant Dec 2021)

  • "The 3 day retreat was so much more than I could have imagined, I left feeling much more energetic, understanding and happy. Rose ran every session with grace, intelligence and kindness. I couldnt have asked for a better introduction to meditation and silent retreat."

    Tristine Lear (Retreat Participant, Dec 2021)

  • "In my practice, few instructors have created such a welcoming and warm environment as Rose. I’ve only taken a few classes with her, but they were immensely impactful. Her classes are challenging, yet forgiving. She leads her class in a meaningful, mindful way."

    Greyson Holt, USA (Yoga Student, Mexico 2018).

  • "Rose was such a fantastic teacher who you could tell had a real passion and love for sharing her practice with people. The retreat was the perfect reset and I left feeling clear and calm, with the tools and confidence to integrate daily meditations into my life."

    Cat Long (Retreat Participant, Jan, 2022).

  • "Wonderful Retreat. Thank you Rose for sharing your experience and knowledge of the Hridaya teachings. I feel very blessed to have attended this retreat. The accommodation and surroundings were beautiful in the rainforest close to Lake Eacham. The food was delicious and made with love. Being in silence was a great opportunity to practice meditation and open up to the inner joy and peace that is our innate nature."

    Julie Heskins (Retreat Participant, Jan 2022)

  • "The 3 day silent retreat at Lake Eacham helped me in so many ways to reconnect with my sense of self and purpose. In particular, disconnecting from devices and spending some time rattling around in my own head. For many months I have had so many thoughts and idea but I haven't been able to hold any of them, they've been zooming around creating a sense of uncertainty and overwhelm. Maintains silence and presence for several days brought a clarity I couldn't have achieved outside of that setting. Thank you Rose for offering the opportunity to be still and come back to my senses Thank you for facilitating such a wholesome, heart nourishing experience."

    Sinead Davies (Retreat Participant, Jan 2022)

  • "Thank you so much for another beautiful & transformational experience. Being my second silent retreat, I had known what to kind of expect in some way but had a complete new experience all together. I will take away so much from this, once again! I wouldn't change a thing - Rose's way of teaching, the sessions, the food, the venue... Every part of both silent retreats have been perfect for my personal path. What I admire about Rose is her wisdom, knowledge & approach. Thank you so much for leaving your beautiful footprints in my life. I wish you & alestair all the best on your year overseas and look forward to joining you on another retreat in 2024 (unless you decide to have an overseas one hehe)! Beck <3

    Bec Hall (Retreat Participant, Nov 2022).

  • "Rose's silent retreats are well-thought-out and deeply thoughtful and encouraging to all seasoned meditators and beginners. Rose has a wise yet humble presence and she imbues the experience with both joy and depth as she punctuates the meditations and yoga with sage advice from some of the master yogis and philosophers like Rumi and Eckhart Tolle. I highly recommend experiencing one of Rose's retreats."

    Jacqui Jewell (Retreat Participant, Dec 2021)

  • “Rose is one of the best teachers I've had the privilege of learning from. As an accredited teacher myself, I often analyze courses in which I'm a student under a different, highly nuanced lens. Rose holds space remarkably well and builds and grows the practice from a place of deep spirituality. If you're looking for a yoga instructor that teaches outside the usual norms and provides an experience into the spiritual, Rose is your teacher.”

    Ashwin Mudaliar, USA (Yoga Student, Mexico 2018)

  • "The silent retreat gave me a space to welcome me home to myself again".

    — Lyndel Turpin (Retreat Participant, Dec 21 & Apr 22))

  • "The Silent Mediation Retreat was just the right amount of balance between challenge and relaxation. The schedule was just right, the food nutritious and tasty. The setting was perfect; a rainforest like setting with natural birdsongs all day, a mix of light rain and sunlight, occasional thunder. The facilities were clean and comfortable and complemented the nature setting."

    Jan Brewer (Retreat Participant, Dec 2021)

  • "Dear Rose, I wanted to write to let you know the profound changes that have come about in my life since our retreat. I have found a deep sense of peace/calm/contentment which has stayed with me months after the retreat. I found myself during the retreat (my true self) and I can't thank you enough. I no longer worry about things I can not control and accept myself and those in my life wholly without judgement. This has brought grace, ease and joy to my life and relationships. I sleep deeper, eat cleaner and I live, I actually live my life now with the joy of a child, present in every moment. I feel this presence and joy on a level I didn't even know was possible. Integrated into my whole being and soul. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and holding space for me to grow. I can not recommend your silent retreats highly enough to anyone who is wanting to have a deeper connection with themselves and their lives. I wish you all the kindness and love you have given to me and others in this community."

    River Ryan. (Retreat Participant, Oct 2021)

  • "It was one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done, but also the most rewarding and enlightening. The guidance from Rose was beautiful, and so was the support from her. It truly was the first time I’ve quietened my mind in such a way, and been able to provide sense and reasoning within my own life. I’d most definitely come again, and would most strongly recommended it to anyone and everyone with an open mind. The setting/ nature and food was also incredible… it was an experience I’ll never forget. "

    Anonymous (Jan 2022)

  • "For the last 8 mnths i had been dropping the metta part of my practice focusing more on the awareness. Without realising why, untill this retreat, I had noticed I had fallen more out of harmony and balance with everything around me. My practice had become more laboured and less deep. It wasn't untill Rose showed me the importance of both aspects of the process. The two wings of the bird. I won't forget this anytime soon and will be eternally grateful for guidence given."New List Item

    Joshua Kruip (Retreat Participant, Nov 2022)

  • "Since the retreat I have started meditating each night before bed. I look forward to it. It is a return to a peaceful place."

    Jennifer Rossiter, Atherton, QLD. (Dec, 2021).

  • Rose has beautiful calming nature that radiates outwards and brings a sense of reassurance to the practice. Her knowledge and dedication to yoga philosophy is very aspiring and thoroughly enjoyed learning bits of it through the silent retreat. The retreat is for everyone of all backgrounds with or without any mediation experience and she delivers in such a way that evokes inspiration and self inquiry. Thank you so much Rose and looking forward to the next retreat!

    Melissa Applegate (Jan 2022)

  • "Rose holds space beautifully. Her experience, depth of knowledge, and genuine care for her students is quite remarkable. She herself being a dedicated practitioner is evident. I Highly recommend her retreats, yoga and meditation, thank you x "

    Anonymous (Retreat Participant, March 2022)

  • "I've been twice now and cannot wait for the third. It was painful and challenging and even right up till the last yoga and meditation my stubborn spoilt child inside was complaining. However I'll go back again because I'm learning so much about myself and I love the 'echo's of your beautiful retreat. Thank you Rose for wisdom and clarity in sharing it."

    Julia Ellis (Retreat Participant Dec 21, Jan 22, Mar 22, Apr 22)

  • "Rose is an incredible Yoga teacher and person❤️✨ very intuitive, authentic, loving and knows what she is talking about! I can highly recommend going to one of her classes and experiencing for yourself 🙏"

    Katrin Blumenauer, Germany (via FB reviews)

  • "This silent meditation retreat is a wonderful opportunity to take some time for yourself. It was wonderful to spend the days with my own contemplations in a beautiful and relaxed setting. Rose's wealth of knowledge and guidance throughout the weekend was amazing. "

    Moira Dettori, Atherton, QLD. (Dec 2021).

  • "First of all let me paint you a picture...... as I write to you my heart is full, not just thanks to the warm cup of Soma Cacao sitting to my right but because of you and what you have helped me to see and start to unlock and explore this past weekend. The drive home was surreal (and a bit scary actually as I don't remember some of it). The drive was a mixture of peace and excitement, however the closer I came to home an overwhelming feeling washed over me, almost like I was (still am) in a bubble, seeing the world in a different way, I'm sitting with it still unsure how to explain properly, it is a feeling of "safe and calm". Once home I talked a lot (no surprise to you as I am sure you have already figured out that I'm a chatterbox when I'm comfortable) but the chatter soon wore off and I retreated again. I have had no desire to go onto social media, I have answered messages (reluctantly) and I have started to read The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle again. Anyway, long story short as I am aware I am starting to ramble, thank you! You are such a blessing, I am so grateful for what you have taught me this weekend and what you teach me in yoga classes, you have helped me lay pavers along my path. I love you and that you are part of my life. Thank you!"

    Jody Abberdan (Retreat Participant, Oct 2021).

  • "A silent retreat with Rose is the most beautiful opportunity to return to yourself, to this moment and to the truth of all. To gift yourself the opportunity to slow down and return to the moment can be so simple yet so profound. "

    Bri Rossato, Bingil Bay, QLD. (Dec 2021).

  • "The 4-day silent meditation/yoga retreat that Rose created and hosted, was so wholistically thought through, from beginning to end. It was a truly peaceful, beautiful and transformative experience and I feel very grateful to have been a part of it.... Wow!!! The experience I just encountered at Rose's 4-day Silent Meditation/Yoga Retreat in the beautiful rainforest of Lake Eacham in FNQ was absolutely amazing (literally mind-blowing!). I had never done a silent retreat before, so I was unsure of how my emotions would play out. I was transformed from the moment I had to keep silent (hard for me.... or so I thought). The silence became my best friend. My breath became my words, my thoughts began to calm, and my mind eventually became still. I literally had so much fun inside my head! Rose has clearly put an enormous amount of thought into how a retreat like this can lovingly support and tenderly transform the lives of those who are lucky enough to be a part of this very special spiritual journey. From the moment I arrived, to the moment I had to leave, everything was thought of with love and respect. The rainforest environment was breathtaking and transformative enough in itself, and Rose added her special mix of loving kindness, wisdom and respect to make the entire time a true gift to all participants. I learned so much during my time there and feel incredibly grateful I was able to attend (at the last minute!). Rose so very thoughtfully created a sacred yoga and meditation space that had a divine, magical, nurturing ambiance, with fresh flowers, candles and incense, along with comforting props to help with the practices. Add to this, the most delicious, nutritious and colourful vegan food prepared by Annaleise for breakfast, lunch & dinner, with cleansing teas to support the body, mind and spirit throughout the entire retreat. The whole atmosphere was just so beautiful to experience each day. A wise and intuitive woman beyond her years, Rose has clearly worked very hard to educate herself and has thus become a wealth of knowledge and experience in many different types of yogic and meditation cultures and traditions. Not focusing on any particular dogma, Rose offers beautiful, tempting morsels of many great yogic leaders, thought-provoking poets and the traditional wisdom of extraordinary eastern and western philosophers, which means there really is something for everyone during Rose's glorious, wonder-filled retreats. She is 'da real deal!! Honestly, if you would like to give yourself (or a loved one) a truly life-changing and heart-felt gift of love, then consider taking part in one of Rose's heavenly retreats. You will thank yourself for a long time for doing so and your heart will be all the more open and loving for it.

    Allie Homes (Retreat Participant, Nov 2022)

  • "It has helped me become more heartfelt in my relationships and in life in general. I feel more committed to my meditation practice as well as exploring more deeply - yoga philosophy such as the yoga sutras."

    ,Georgina Coase, Yungaburra, QLD. (Dec, 2021).

  • "Participating in the 3 day retreat with Rose was an absolute blessing for my soul. I had no idea when I signed up how the feeling of absolute stillness would have on me. It was as if I my soul was saying "I am home." Rose is a great facilitator with her loving, warm energy. She shared many quotes, stories and poems throughout the 3 days which created a sense of connection to the literary world which I love! I highly recommend attending a retreat if you are looking for something deeper in your life and in your soul."

    Sally Snow (Jan 2022)

  • "Be still... Listen to the Calling... Follow your ❤️... Allow yourself to Open up to Inspiration. The Inner Y❤U awaits your Reconnection. * When the student is Ready The teacher appears🙏🏻 What an incredible Gift is The Rose🌹 Such delicately beautiful, gentle depths, open for all to Share💝"

    Helen Rosner (Retreat Participant, Nov 2022)

  • "The silence of the Silent retreat was gold! The style and structure of this retreat is beneficial to men and/or women. The Self inquiry really helped me to understand "who am I" and why I am who I am. It facilitated me to understand what is important in my life and what(who) are my priorities. Rose provided an expert level of guidance not only in content but also in the amount of guidance. I would have liked a few more days so I look forward to a longer one."

    Anonymous (Jan 2022)

  • "The retreat dropped all the expectations I arrived with and really helped me look at ME. Which in turn, then bought other areas to arise. I have never really taken the time or been educated on HOW TO take the PROPER time to look at ME or I. It was very insightful."

    Jessica Dellow (March 2022)

  • "No words can really describe what I took away from this experience. Every part of the retreat including the location, the food, the safe space, the teachings - all created such a memorable & transforming experience. I entered the silent retreat thinking I knew why I was there and found myself diving much deeper than I could imagine - leaving with an understanding of myself, this life and much more. As a first timer, Rose created such a safe environment for everyone. I felt I could truly be and allow any emotions to come through. Rose is such a beautiful, wise & gentle teacher. I'm grateful and appreciate to be part of her journey of selflessly sharing her knowledge and planting seeds of self love & awareness into each of us. I will definitely be back for another retreat <3"

    Rebecca Hall (March 2022)

  • "Rose is an absolute delight. Her tenderness and humility in guiding participants through the retreat is done so perfectly, and allows for complete vulnerability. The retreat has been carefully created in all aspects."

    Aïsha de Barros Lopes (March 2022)

  • "This was an unforgettable experience. I didn’t expect to learn so much during this retreat. I feel that Rose has equipped me with invaluable tools that I will be able to use for the rest of my life. Everything was meticulously planned and I felt fully supported throughout the entire retreat. Rose managed to impart her wisdom in such a gentle yet professional and extremely engaging way. I absolutely loved the way that modern science, ancient wisdom, poetry and storytelling were combined to provide a fascinating journey and learning experience. This all interspersed with amazing yoga, meditation and breathwork sessions! I would recommend this experience to everyone and I hope that Rose returns from Mexico soon as I would love to do another silent retreat with her (but next time for longer!)."

    Anonymous (Retreat Participant, Nov, 2022)

  • "As my first silent yoga and meditation retreat, I didn't know what to expect. I absolutely loved it though! I felt so good physically and menatlly, just loving the days. I have come away from the experience invigorated and have found a couple of yoga sessions a week I'll attend. I loved that you spoke from all different perspectives. I loved the stories! It was just amazing Rose, it moved me and still does. You fascilitate a wonderful experience. Thank you."

    Anonymous (Retreat Participant, Nov 2022)