30-Day Meditation Program: July/August 2024

“How we spend our days, is, of course, how we spend our lives” - Annie Dillard.

This 30-Day Online Program is designed to cultivate a daily practice of meditation and mindfulness to transform our days (and subsequently, our lives).

We will emphasise both establishing a regular meditation practice and, perhaps more importantly, how to better integrate our meditation insights into every day life in a practical, accessible, effective way.

WHEN: Mon 15 July - Tue 13 August 2024
WHERE: Online

Through meditation, we discover that underneath the surface of our everyday experience lies an unshakeable presence that is always and already at peace. When we are in direct contact with this presence, we are at our most authentic, most open-hearted, and most alive. By training ourselves to come back, over and over again, to this background of awareness, we increase our capacity to wake up from "the dream": that incessant inner dialogue that prevents us from living fully.

There is now an enormous amount of research on the benefits, or what we might better name the side effects of meditation, from a physical and psychological perspective. Meditation improves sleep, increases focus, enhances cognitive performance, reverses the effects of aging on the brain, reduces stress, and boosts the immune system.

And, by cultivating a daily practice of meditation, we are better able to focus our attention and energy on identifying and sharing our unique gifts with the world.

Each day we will commit to:

  • 30 or 60 minutes of meditation; (you will choose the duration)

  • A micro-practice to integrate into our daily life, and;

  • A short journalling exercise 

We will also meet twice during the month for a live-call, which will involve a group meditation, and time for sharing and questions. 

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.


  • The calls will take place on Zoom.

    • Monday 15 July 7.30pm AEST

    • Monday 5 August 7.30 pm AEST

    • 30 x Meditations: 30 pre-recorded guided meditation practices, with a different theme/focus each day. Each day you will be given the option to meditate for 30 minutes OR 60 minutes.

    • 30 x Micropractice Exercises: based on integrating meditation and mindfulness into our lives

    • 30 x Contemplative Journaling Exercises

    • Preparatory Lesson: How to sit for meditation

    • Preparatory Lesson: How to prepare a space for meditation

    • Printable meditation log

    • 3 x pre-recorded pranayama (breathwork) audios to support meditation.

    • Online Support Group

Choose your price

Supported Price
One time

Standard Price
One time

Supporting Price
One time

Course FAQ

  • No. This course is suitable for beginners and experienced meditators alike :)

  • Choose the price you would like to pay above, and select the corresponding “Sign Up” button.

  • Each price tier will give you access to exactly the same content. The options are to ensure that the course is accessible for all. If you are a bit strapped for cash right now, you might prefer to select the “supported” option of $49. If there is abundance in your life, “supporting” with a $99 contribution might be for you. Alternately, $79 is the standard price.

  • No. The practices will be released the night before each daily program, so that you can choose to meditate as early, or late as you like. However, it is strongly recommended that the practices are completed first thing when you wake up. You are also welcome (and encouraged!) to do the daily meditation practices more than once each day.

    Ideally you are available for the Live Calls on Tuesday evenings, but these will also be recorded and sent to you soon after the session.

  • Yes :). Each day you’ll receive an email reminder to help keep you on track. We’ll also have a Telegram (or Whatsapp) support group where we can share our experiences and support each other in remaining committed throughout the 30 days.

  • Yes, I believe so :). Since experienced meditators are enrolling in the course, I'll be offering 60-minute meditations daily. Longer meditation sessions allow us to delve beyond the realm of ordinary thinking and explore deeper layers of consciousness.

About the facilitator

Rose has spent the last 7 years deeply devoted to meditation.

She guides Silent Meditation and Yoga Retreats in Far North Queensland, New South Wales, and Mexico, and has herself spent over 250 days in retreat as a participant, including a 49-Day Pratyabhijna Solitary Meditation Retreat. She has also been part of the teaching team for 3-week yoga intensives at Hridaya Yoga, Mexico.

Her training includes a 600(+) hour Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training Course at Hridaya Yoga, as well as hundreds of hours of additional courses and workshops in hatha yoga, pranayama, non-violent communication, tantra, and, of course, meditation. She has also taken additional training in Ayurveda (50 hour immersion course with Vichara Yoga), Women's Tantra (30 hour immersion course also with Vichara Yoga), and a six month intensive exploration of the Mahavidyas (Ten Wisdom Goddesses).

In recent years she has also completed a 50 hour Yoga Alliance Accredited Yin TTC at Orion Healing, in Thailand, and is 3/4 through a Swara Yoga 200 Hour TTC with Swara Yoga Academy.

You can read more about Rose here.